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Tricep Extension w/ Therapy Band (Anchored)

  1. Insert anchor in door at mid-thigh height.
  2. Holding onto ends of band, step 1-2 feet away from door.
  3. Step one foot back until you are in a comfortable staggered stance.
  4. Bring both elbows up and forward so upper arms are lined up with ears and tucked close to your head. Engage core.
  5. To start, take a deep breath, then exhale and fully extend both arms up.
  6. Inhale and return slowly to starting position.
  7. Repeat for desired number of reps.
How to Video: Tricep Extension

Seated Biceps Curl

  1. Sit with back straight on chair or stability ball.
  2. Place one end of loop band under R foot – hold other end in R hand.
  3. Begin with a deep breath and arm straight next to R leg.
  4. Exhale while bending elbow and pulling band toward shoulder, keeping elbow tight to side.
  5. Inhale and return to start with control.
  6. Repeat for desired reps, switch to L side.

Arm Abduction

  1. Stand tall with feet together.
  2. Wrap band around forearms and extend arms forward, elbows slightly flexed.
  3. Begin with a deep breath – exhale and slowly pull arms away from each other.
  4. Inhale and return to start with control.
  5. Repeat for desired reps.

Push Ups

  1. Lie face down on ball; place hands on floor in front of ball.
  2. Walk hands forward until ball is under thighs and feet are off floor.
  3. Inhale and lower chest towards floor; bending elbows outward.
  4. Exhale pushing chest away from floor until arms are straight.
  5. Repeat desired number of reps. (More advanced option: walk hands until ball is under shins or ankles)


  1. Lie face down with ball positioned under lower abdomen and chest lifted.
  2. Straighten both legs behind – pushing weight into balls of feet.
  3. Extend arms above head with thumbs pointing toward ceiling.
  4. Pulse thumbs toward ceiling for desired number of reps.
  5. Repeat reps moving arms to a “Y” position followed by a “T” position keeping thumbs pointing toward ceiling for both.

Back Extension

  1. Lie face down with ball positioned under lower abdomen and chest lifted.
  2. Straighten both legs behind – pushing weight into balls of feet.
  3. Interlace fingers behind head, inhale and lower chest and shoulders toward floor.
  4. Exhale and raise chest and shoulder back start position.
  5. Repeat desired number of reps.

Bent Row (Anchored)

  1. Attach anchor at bottom of door.
  2. Attach both ends of desired band combination to 1 handle. Facing door; grab handle in R hand.
  3. Step away 1-2 feet; R foot behind L in a staggered stance. Lower torso to a 45◦ angle to the floor. Keep chest lifted, back straight, and core engaged.
  4. Begin with a deep breath – exhale and pull R arm back so elbow is pointed to ceiling -R hand just below ribcage.
  5. Inhale and return to start with control.
  6. Repeat for desired reps, then switch sides.
How to Video: Bent Over Row

High/Low Reverse Fly

  1. Attach anchor at top of door.
  2. Face door; using desired band combination, grab1 handle in each hand with palms facing each other.
  3. Step back – arms fully extended until slight tension is felt in band.
  4. Lift chest and engage core.
  5. Begin with a deep breath – exhale and move straight arms diagonally down and out forming an inverted V position. Squeeze the shoulder blades together.
  6. Inhale and return to start with control.
  7. Repeat for desired number of reps.

Lat Pulldown

  1. Insert anchor at top of door.
  2. Facing door, step back 1-2 feet and kneel with back straight.
  3. Using desired band combination, grab 1 handle in each hand – palms down; engage core.
  4. Begin with a deep breath – exhale while pulling handles to bottom of rib cage, leading with elbows and pressing chest forward.
  5. Inhale and return to start with control.
  6. Repeat for desired number of reps.
How to Video: Lat Pulldown